
thinking i might give this little button 
a red hot go tonight!

 happy weekend ya all!


 it's been a trying week but the clouds are lifting as we bid farewell to the pesky flu... 
and wouldn't you know it? 
just in time for the weekend! 
hell yeah! 

 bring on the friday festivities!


in a crazy world full of smoke & mirrors
be sure to teach your daughters...


 both inside & out! 

this little quote motivated me all run long this morning. nothing clears the head or makes you feel more energised than exercise. 
as i always say - the world is a better place after a run!


dear mum, 

now that i am a mum it has finally dawned on me how much you missed out on. how much i missed out on. i lay in bed some nights & squeeze my eyes tight shut willing myself to remember the 2 or 3 memories i have of you to play through my head over & over so i never ever forget them. i look at my baby's beautiful little fat fingers as he cradles in my arms & i imagine the love that must have overwhelmed your heart as you spent the hours staring at my baby sister & i. 

it hasn't been an easy road - sometimes i get mad at you for leaving, sometimes i have acted in ways that would not have made you proud, sometimes my heart still hurts so much i think my body might break in two.  and even now i have my own child, even after all these years - it makes no difference; the tears still well up right through every mothers day. my heart will forever ache for you. 

i will today raise a glass of bubbly to your memory & the 7 amazing years you spent with me. we could not have asked for a more beautiful mother. 

until i see your face again, i will celebrate you. happy mothers day paula. 



being happy doesn't 'just happen'. 
it takes work. 
you know why most 'happy-go-lucky' people are so happy? 
they smile, they exercise, they remind themselves to focus their perceptive on believing the glass is half full, they find the humour, they think about others before themselves, they relax, they make family & friends a priority, they chase rainbows. 

your mind is a powerful, powerful tool but you must make it work for you. 

think happy - be happy!